COVID-19 and the Winery

It’s been a crazy few days trying to plan what is happening at the winery with restrictions changing sometimes within minutes, plus we know you've seen plenty of emails like this. We also want to maintain the health of our staff and customers. For now, our tasting room is closed for tastings or gatherings per the Governor’s office, but we are able to remain open to sell bottles of wine to-go. We are also able to ship wine (to CA, CO, ID, MT, NV, and WA) and will provide free shipping to Washington and Idaho. 
If you would like to purchase bottles of wine, we will be at the tasting room from 1 to 4 p.m. Wednesdays through Sundays. Please call or email ahead of time (509-255-9205 or to let us know you’re coming and what you’d like to pick up (for a complete list of our wines, click here). 
We will continue to monitor COVID-19 and follow all restrictions put in place by local, state, and federal agencies. 
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to see the fun, social distancing, events we have planned in the coming days.

Thanks to all of our customers who have shown us support the past few weeks and in the weeks to come! We'll get through this together.

Mark & Sarah